Should you Upgrade from Shared Hosting to VPS?

VPS hosting is a sophisticated hosting solution that comes with its own benefits. Compared to shared hosting, it is far more advanced and secure. However, the price may be significantly higher. 

If you want your website to have more storage, faster loading time, and overall better performance, consider purchasing a VPS hosting plan from a good provider.

In this article, we will go over several reasons why you should upgrade your shared hosting to VPS hosting. But first, let’s make a comparison between these two hosting alternatives. 

Shared Hosting vs. VPS

Shared hosting refers to an environment in which many websites share the resources of one server. That means that a problem with one website affects all the others.

A VPS hosting solution offers an extra layer of protection and security for your website because, unlike shared hosting, you are isolated from all users on the same server.

If you have a large website, you will need dedicated resources to handle a high volume of visitors. Unlike shared hosting, with VPS hosting, all of the resources on the server belong to you and you can use them as you see fit. 

A VPS plan also has a lot more RAM and CPU compared to a shared hosting plan. This is the main reason VPS hosting services generally provide better performance and reliability than shared hosting ones.

This enhanced performance will consequently improve your SEO ranking and user experience rating which are two very important aspects of all websites. 

The Benefits of Using VPS Hosting for Your Website

VPS hosting uses technologies that allow one physical server to be divided into several private servers. This allows for complete control over your virtual server.

This is one of the biggest benefits that comes with VPS hosting. The following are additional benefits that are worth highlighting.

  1. Exceptional Features

By upgrading from shared hosting to a VPS hosting plan you gain access to numerous useful features, such as automatic website backups, enhanced security, and improved customer service. 

Furthermore, you gain the ability to have multiple domain names, install additional software, and easily manage storage, disk space, and bandwidth limits. 

  1. Scalability

After you launch your website, the general idea is for it to grow and attract more visitors day in and day out. In the beginning, you will probably host your website on a shared server because you don’t need as many resources. This is what most first-time website owners do.

However, when your website starts to grow and generate more traffic, you’ll be facing a lot of technical issues. That is why it’s better to think long-term.

Instead of getting shared hosting and then switching to VPS hosting, you might want to consider VPS right away. This is of course if you have not already created your site already on a shared plan.

  1. Affordability

Although VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting,  you can still begin with a small budget and gradually increase your investment as your website grows.

The initial investment will be higher, but we are not talking about large sums of money. 

You can find a VPS plan for 10 dollars a month. 

How to Select the Best Virtual Private Server 

Choosing the best virtual private server for your website may appear to be a difficult task, but it does not have to be. The first thing you need to do is write down the resource requirements that you have.

For this, consider whether you intend to use your website to sell products or services or just share information. The type of website you have or plan on creating will determine how much storage, CPU, and disk space you will need.

The next thing you need to do is a simple Google search for the best VPS providers. You will run into a lot of them, so focus on finding customer reviews to see what kind of hosting experience they had. 

Once you find 2-3 potential providers, go to their websites and take a closer look at their offerings. 

VPS hosting companies provide a variety of plans to meet your specific requirements. There are various types of servers to choose from, all with incredible benefits, so you will undoubtedly find one that meets your business needs.

Just make sure you conduct proper research and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each of these plans.


When it comes to shared hosting vs. VPS, the choice is obvious.

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