The CBK introduced a new platform, DhowCSD, that allows individuals to invest in Treasury Bills and Bonds via a mobile app. This portal aims to provide a simple, efficient, and secure way to invest in the Government of Kenya’s securities.
It has revolutionized how Kenyans trade in Treasury bills and bonds by eliminating manual payments and bids for government securities.
Getting started with DhowCSD is simple. You can visit the DhowCSD web portal or download the DhowCSD mobile app. If you’re a new user, click “Create Account” to start registering.
If you already have a Central Securities Depository (CSD) account, you can select “Already have a CSD account” to activate your online account.
CBK’s DhowCSD Registration Steps
- Choose a username, enter your email address, and set a strong password.
- Accept the Terms of Service to continue.
- Start the registration process for your CSD account.
- Enter your personal information exactly as it appears on your official ID (passport/ID).
- Choose the ideal broker to make your transactions easier.
- Include your Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) PIN certificate and any necessary tax exemption certificates, if applicable.
- Enter the verification code sent to your registered email address to confirm it.
- Complete the registration process within seven days since the system will delete incomplete profiles.
Once your account has been approved, which usually takes 1-2 days, you can begin investing.
MUST READ: CBKÂ DhowCSD: How To Buy Treasury Bonds In Kenya Online
The CBK DhowCSD app can be downloaded from either Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store, providing accessibility for all smartphone users.
For those who prefer using the browser, the DhowCSD portal can be accessed here.
Placing a Bid
Placing a bid for Treasury bills or bonds on DhowCSD is simple. Click the BUY/SELL button and choose between “competitive bidding” and “non-competitive bidding.” In competitive bidding, investors specify the prices or yields they desire to purchase securities.
Offers will be approved based on how their price or yield exceeds the minimum acceptable price or maximum acceptable yield set by the CBK.
In non-competitive bidding, you select the quantities you want to purchase, but the price or yield is determined by the highest competitive bids approved during the auction.
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