Top 10 Worst Universities in Kenya

Top 10 Worst Universities in Kenya

Choosing a university is a big decision, and it’s important to do your research to make sure you choose the right one for you. Unfortunately, not all universities are created equal. Some universities have a poor academic reputation, low student satisfaction rates, and low graduate employment rates. These are the universities that we’ve identified as … Read more

Top 10 Worst-Paying Parastatals In Kenya

Worst Paying Parastatals

In the vast tapestry of Kenya’s economic landscape, parastatals play a significant role in shaping the nation’s development. However, within this tapestry, some parastatals have garnered a reputation for being associated with the worst-paying parastatals scales. Their historical struggles in providing competitive compensation have raised concerns and sparked discussions about the welfare of their workforce. … Read more

Top 5 Worst Paying Jobs In Kenya

Top 5 Worst Paying Jobs In Kenya

The issue of salaries and wages is a highly charged subject in Kenya, particularly for those in worst-paying jobs who struggle to make ends meet. While many professions in the country have seen significant increases in pay for legislators, public outcry and protests have been largely disregarded. Politics stands out as one of the most … Read more