Cost Of Installing WI-FI Network In Kenya Shillings

Installing WI-FI Network

In today’s article, we will look at the total amount of money, you will require in order to install WiFi in your house. Installing Wi-Fi network in Kenya is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the steps involved: If you are not comfortable setting up your Wi-Fi router yourself, you can hire a professional to … Read more

How To Fix it Wifi not Working or Wifi not Connecting

Wifi not working or wifi not connecting? Here’s how you can fix it

We are heavily dependent on our wifi connection. It provides us round-the-clock connectivity, ultra-fast speed, helps us to get everything done quickly, and more. But if Wifi not working. Therefore, it is no surprise that when the internet is down, the mood of the entire family takes a downturn. Nobody likes a bad internet connection, … Read more

4 Ways to Boost Internet Speed on Your Phone

Ways to Boost Internet Speed

And we all know, that to have a fast internet connection requires types of equipment such as a strong Wi-Fi connection, RAM of 4+, a large space, and other advanced equipment. Well, this equipment is very expensive to some while others require experts to use. Thanks to the new modern phones that are built with … Read more