Senior Counsel Qualifications in Kenya

Senior Counsel Qualifications in Kenya

 In Kenya, the title senior counsel is bestowed on an advocate by the President of the Republic after being vetted by members of a committee. James Orengo, Afmednassir Abdullahi, and Paul Muite are among the notable individuals in the Senior Counsel’s club. So, how does a lawyer become a senior counsel? Senior Counsel is equivalent … Read more

List of 55 Approved Senior Counsels in Kenya 2024

List of 55 Approved Senior Counsels in Kenya 2024

Kenyan legal system is drawn from the English legal system and heritage, and so is the position of Senior Counsels (SC ) borrowed from the English, Queen’s Counsel (QC). Senior counsels in Kenya are privileged with an allocation of special court seats, are allowed to wear special robes, and are given preference in dealing with … Read more