Who Pays NTSA Car Transfer Fees Buyer Or Seller In Kenya?

Pays NTSA Car Transfer Fees Buyer Or Seller In Kenya

In Kenya, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is responsible for regulating and overseeing the car transfer of motor vehicles from one owner to another. When a car is sold or transferred, there are a number of fees that must be paid to the government in order to complete the process. One of the … Read more

How to Pass the NTSA Vehicle Inspection Process in Kenya

How to Pass Vehicle Inspection Process in Kenya

NTSA vehicle inspection is required by law in Kenya. it’s also a prerequisite for comprehensive insurance coverage. A vehicle might’ve been in an accident, and the carrier needs to assess the damage, or it might’ve almost totaled and the insurer needs to take the call on whether it needs to be salvaged. Vehicle inspection is also required before leasing … Read more

How The New ‘Smart Number Plates’ Works

Smart Number Plates

For beginners, the Smart Number Plates use the FE-Schrift typeface, which is a sans serif typeface introduced in the late 1970s for use on license plates. Its monospaced letters and numbers are slightly disproportionate to prevent easy modification and to improve machine readability. Additionally, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) says the new smart number … Read more