Top 10 Best Logbook Loan Providers In Kenya

Logbook Loan Providers

Most Logbook Loan Providers in Kenya provide loans within 24 hours. The loans offered cover up to 80% of the vehicle’s value, irrespective of the model and age of the vehicle. Here are some of the best logbook loan providers in Kenya. 1. Mwananchi Credit Mwananchi Credit is one of Kenya’s most trusted logbook loans provider … Read more

Logbook Loans Guide, How to Apply In Kenya

Logbook Loans Guide

Logbook loans are a type of secured loan that uses a borrower’s vehicle as collateral. To obtain a logbook loan, a borrower must provide the lender with the vehicle’s logbook, which contains important information such as the owner’s name, address, and vehicle registration details. The lender will typically assess the value of the vehicle and … Read more

Top 10 Best Logbook Loans Lenders In Kenya

These are Logbook Loans lenders who provide loans to clients, with vehicle logbooks used as security. Most lenders provide loans within 24 hours. The loans offered to cover up to 80% of the vehicle’s value, irrespective of the model and age of the vehicle. In no particular order, here are some of the best logbook … Read more