How to Update Your Kenya Power Meter Token

Kenya Power has mandated that all prepaid meters be updated to prevent disruption in the acceptance of tokens. The update targets 7.4 million prepaid meters across the country. The process is straightforward, free of charge, and must be completed before the deadline, August 31. Failure to update will result in the meter not accepting any tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide to Update Your Token Meter

Step 1: Purchase Tokens

First, you buy Kenya Power Tokens on KPLC PAYBILL 888880. After you purchase your KPLC tokens, you will receive three codes via SMS:

  1. Reset Code
  2. Update Code
  3. Token Code

Step 2: Prepare for the Update

The Second Step Before entering the new codes, ensure that all previously purchased tokens are loaded onto your meter. This step is crucial to avoid any complications during the update process.

Step 3: Enter the Reset Code

The Third step is approaching your KPLC Prepaid meter:

  1. Locate your prepaid meter and make sure it is powered on.
  2. Enter the Reset Code received in your SMS. The reset code typically consists of 20 digits.
  3. Press OK on your meter keypad after entering the reset code. The meter will display a confirmation message indicating the reset process is complete.

Step 4: Enter the Update Code

Next, you are to follow these steps swiftly:

  1. Enter the Update Code provided in the SMS. This code also consists of 20 digits.
  2. Press OK on your meter keypad. The meter will again display a confirmation message indicating the update process is complete.

Step 5: Enter the Token Code

Finally, this is the last step to Updating Your KPLC Prepaid Meter:

  1. Enter the Token Code received in your SMS. This is the code that adds units to your meter.
  2. Press OK on your meter keypad. The meter should now show the updated units, including any previous balance plus the newly added units.
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