How to Protect Your Phone From Mpesa Hacking Attacks

Mpesa hacking Attacks: To hack Safaricom Mpesa account transactions, a piece of good knowledge of social engineering, termux, javascript, and Linux programming is needed. Any Safaricom SIM card can be a source of security vulnerabilities.

If you want to protect your SIM card against Mpesa hacking attacks like these, there are some steps you can take.

Protect Against Socially Engineered Attacks

Make it hard for M-Pesa hacking attacks to find information about you. Hackers will use data they find about you online, such as the names of friends and family or your address. This information will make it easier to convince a customer support agent that they are you.

Try to lock down this information by setting your Facebook profile to friends-only and limiting the public information you share on other sites.

Also, remember to delete old accounts you no longer use to prevent them from being the target of a hack.

Another way to protect against SIM card swaps is to beware of phishing. Hackers may try to phish you to get more information they can use to copy your SIM.

Be on the lookout for suspicious emails or login pages. Be careful where you enter your login details for any account you use.

Finally, consider what methods of two-factor authentication you use. Some two-factor authentication services will send an SMS message to your device with an authentication code.

This means that if your SIM is compromised, hackers can access your accounts even if you have two-factor authentication.

Set a SIM Card Lock

To protect against SIM attacks you should also set up some protections on your SIM card. The most important security measure you can implement is to add a PIN code to your SIM card.

This way, if anyone wants to make changes to their SIM card, they need the PIN code.

Before you set up a SIM card lock, you should ensure you know the PIN number given to you by your network provider. To set it up, on an Android device go to Settings > Lock screen and security > Other security settings > Set up SIM card lock. Then you can enable the slider for the Lock SIM card.

Other Security Tips

As always, you should use strong individually-generated passwords. Don’t reuse old passwords or use the same password on multiple accounts.

Also, make sure your answers to password recovery questions aren’t publicly available, such as your mother’s maiden name.

Protect Your Device From SIM Attacks

Attacks on mobile devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Simjacker and SIM swap attacks both target SIM cards, but they do so in different ways.

Simjacker is a technical attack that exploits vulnerabilities in software used by phone carrier companies. SIM swap attacks use social engineering to get a copy of your SIM card.

There are protections against these types of attacks, such as keeping your personal information under wraps and setting up a SIM card lock.

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