How To Become An Opera News Hub Creator In Kenya

Maybe you were looking for ways to make legitimate money online and then you came across Opera News Hub. You made inquiries about the Opera news hub, and find out they were legit. Now you want to know how to become an Opera news creator.

Well, it is very easy to become an Opera news hub creator!

Unlike other payment platforms, Opera news hub doesn’t request your school certificate to prove you’re literate.

Opera news hub doesn’t ask for any money during registration. In fact, to begin, you don’t need to provide any means of identification (ID card) which is hard to find sometimes.

The best part is they approve new creators very fast without asking for writing qualifications.

A lot of people are searching for ‘how to become an opera news creator’ on the Google Search engine.

Due to this, I have decided to compose an effective guide on how to become an opera news hub creator and make $500+ monthly.

What is Opera news hub creator?

An opera news hub creator is someone who creates content for opera news and opera mini. Note that an opera news hub is different from an opera news hub creator.

If you are publishing articles or uploading videos for opera news, then you’re definitely an opera news hub creator.

There are two types of opera news creators in the hub; verified and unverified content creators.

Unfortunately for some publishers, only the verified content creators are getting paid monthly for their work.

Who are the verified and unverified creators?

The verified creators are the publishers who fully registered for the opera news hub program and agreed to their terms and conditions.

Verified creators get paid monthly for their published content.

Unlike verified creators, unverified creators don’t get paid for their published content. This is because they didn’t register for the opera news hub program.

What is Opera news hub?

Opera news hub is an online platform where opera news creators write and publish stories, News, and other information online to earn money.

In other words, the opera news hub is simply the platform for creating and sharing of content to earn money.

The Opera news hub was established in 2018 by opera mini owners. The platform was created solemnly to encourage writers around the world.

That being said, you can make money as a content creator in the opera news hub!

I know a lot of people who are feeding their families with money from opera news alone. You too can make a lot of money from the opera news hub and become financially free.

What is Opera news?

Opera news is a news app that shares the latest news, breaking stories, videos, and other information worldwide.

Opera news was carved out from Opera mini browser to focus more on news and other stories happening around the world.

Furthermore, the content published by Opera news hub creators automatically appears in Opera news and Opera mini for visitors to view. Although, creators are allowed to share their content on other platforms.

How to become an Opera news hub creator

As I said earlier, it is not hard to become an opera news hub creator. If you follow the effective guide below, you will easily become an Opera news creator, and start earning money from it in no time.

There are basically 5 things you need to do in other to become a registered Opera news hub creator

What are these things?

  • Get a laptop or phone
  • Choose a niche
  • Get a registered MPesa number
  • Register on the Opera news hub
  • Publish the first article

1. Get a laptop or phone

First, you need to own a good laptop or a phone if you want to become an opera news hub creator. According to other creators, the laptop is more convenient for the job.

You can also make use of your phone too to write articles on the opera news hub, but make sure it’s a smartphone.

I love making use of my iPhone to do online jobs most of the time. However, I still agree with the fact that android phones are the best generally.

If I may say, iPhones tend to have shorter battery life when compared to android phones. That is why I’d advise you to get an android phone instead if you want to become an opera news hub creator.

2. Choose a niche

Your niche is the specific topic you will mostly write about in the Opera news hub. Before you register to be part of the platform, you need to know exactly what you will be writing on.

Choose the niche you love, and make sure you know about that niche very well.

Typical niches (Topics) in Opera news include:

  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Technology
  • News
  • Relationship and parenting
  • Animals and pets
  • Business
  • Religion
  • Politics
  • Sports
  • Celebrity and entertaining
  • Health

After you must have finished the registration, you’ll be asked by the platform to choose only one topic you’ll be writing about. If you did not decide before registering, you may end up choosing the wrong niche.

Don’t make the mistake others made. Choose your niche now!

Don’t wait till registration time, sit down and think of the niche you’d consistently write about without running out of ideas.

3. Get a Mpesa Registered Number

Opay is an online payment platform and consumer hub for paying and receiving payments online. Consumers can also buy recharge cards and pay bills directly from the Opay app.

The company in charge of Opera news hub, Opera News, and Opera mini also own the Opay payment platform.

The reason you should get an opay account is that you’d be asked for your opay account number during registration into the Opera news hub.

If your Opay account number is not provided during the registration process, you will not receive your hard-earned money during payment time.

To avoid stories, register on Opay first to get your Opay account number before you proceed to register on the Opera news hub.

Note that the Opera news hub platform does not allow any other bank account number other than Opay.

How to sign up for an Opay account?

If you already have a valid Opay account number, then proceed to register on the opera news hub. But if you don’t have an Opay account, then follow the step below to get one.

– Go to google play store or Apple App Store and type ‘Opay’ in the search box

4. Register on the Opera news hub

How to sign up?

If you have succeeded in deciding your niche and getting an Opay account, the next thing would be to register on the Opera news hub.

There are basically two steps you can use to register on the hub, which are;

Step 1: Through your browser

Step 2: Opera news app

Below is an effective guide on how to register and become an Opera news hub creator.

Step 1: Through the browser

-Go to your browser and type ‘Opera news hub’ on the search box and search. Click the first result that came up (from

Or you visit their website, on your browser.

-On their site, click either the “Login with Google” button or the “Login with Facebook” button.

If you click the Google button, then you’d have to select your active email address.

If you click the Facebook button, you will be redirected to Facebook. Log in to your Facebook account to connect to opera news.

-After logging in, go back to continue registering on the opera news hub.

Fill in your username, and other names.

Add the Opay account number that you created (very necessary)

Add your National Identification number (it is not necessary. If you don’t have it, you can leave that space blank)

Add referral code (optional). Add a picture and create your account!

Step 2: Opera news app

-Download the Opera news app from your phone’s App Store and install it.

Open the app and click Me or Profile at the extreme end of the app.

Click on the become a creator button and register your details.

Remember to add your Opay account number.

After all that, you can then create the account. That is all!

5. Publish your first article

After the successful registration on the Opera news hub, you’re expected by the hub to publish an article as soon as possible.

After publishing your first article, the article will be tested online.

Note that your first article will pend for a long time before being published for the world to see. It usually takes about 5-8 hours for your article to go live on opera news.

Again, for your article not to get rejected on the Opera news hub, there are some things you should avoid doing when composing your article.

What are those things that can make Opera news reject my article?

Well, there are several things that can make Opera news hub reject your article.

Why is the opera news hub rejecting your articles? Here are the eight reasons that can make Opera news reject your article.

  • If you publish copyright infringement material (photo, article)
  • Grammatical errors
  • Plagiarism
  • Exaggerated content
  • adult content
  • Going against national law
  • Misleading content
  • False news

Before you publish an article, take note of all the things listed above. Make sure you don’t have them in your article.

Follow the rules and regulations of the hub and your content will not be rejected.

How to post an article on the Opera news hub?

First, make sure you’ve registered on the Opera news hub platform.

If you’re already a registered member of the platform, follow the below example to publish an article on opera news;

– Sign in to your Opera news hub account.

– On your dashboard, click the create icon at the top left corner.

– Add a title to your article at the top heading of the page.

– Then write your article on the description side.

– You can also add photos to your article and links if you want.

– Choose your thumbnails ( the picture users see when they come across your article).

review the article to know what it looks like at the button on the page, and submit.

That’s all. After some minutes, your article will be live on opera news and opera mini.

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