How To Become a Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent

Co-op Kwa Jirani agent is a service of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya. Co-op Kwa Jirani enables customers to carry out all banking transactions through an agent appointed by the bank.

Co-operative Bank’s Agency Banking will mostly entail cash deposit taking, cash withdrawals, school fee payments, utility payments, balance inquiry, and mini-statements among others. One will need to have an account with Co-operative Bank to work as an agent. The minimum balance of an agent will be determined by one’s appraisal forwarded to the Co-operative Bank.

Who can use Co-op Kwa Jirani?
Customers, non-customers, SACCO-link members, co-operatives, MCU customers, SME customers and corporates.

Become a Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent and expand your business revenue through the commissions earned on transactions.

Co-op Agent limit you can transact

This will depend on the transaction carried out by the customer:

  • Cash deposits – No limit
  • Cash withdrawals – Ksh 100,000
  • School fees payments – No limit

CO-OP Agent Required Documents

You don’t have to be a Co-op Bank account holder to apply to be an agent.

Just visit your nearest Co-op Bank branch, fill in an application form, and submit the following documents along with the application form:

  • Certificate of good conduct (for the individual)
  • PIN certificate
  • Bank statements if you are not a Co-op Bank account holder
  • Business permits for the last 12 months
  • Current business permit
  • Certificate of registration
  • Copy of ID or equivalent
  • Two passport-size photographs
  • Business owners’ or directors’ CVs
  • CBK Form 3 & CBK Form 4 witnessed by the Commissioner of Oaths

For corporates and SACCOs, the following additional documents will be required:

  • Audited books of accounts for the last two years
  • Resolution to carry out agency banking
  • SASRA approval for FOSA’s
  • VAT registration (where applicable)

The applicable fees to facilitate approval are:

  • CBK application fee – Ksh 1,000
  • Float placement – Determined by customer limit which is arrived at during appraisal

Services offered by Co-op Kwa Jirani

  • Cash withdrawals
  • Cash deposits
  • Money Transfer
  • Fees Payment
  • Utility Payment
  • Balance Enquiry
  • Mini Statement

Coop Agent Approval Process

  • Application (at any Co-op Bank branch)
  • Appraisal (of Agent)
  • Appraisal (by Co-op Bank)
  • Approval (by Central Bank of Kenya)
  • Set up (Agency Banking by Co-op Bank)

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