Simplified Way To Repay PesaPap Loan Via Mpesa

Simplified Way To Repay PesaPap Loan Via Mpesa

After being approved for a loan from PesaPap, Family Bank will require you to repay it within 30 calendar days from the disbursement date. As highlighted earlier, the PesaPap loan comes with an interest of 6.62 % per month. To access a loan from PesaPap, you must first open a PesaPap Wallet.  To open a PesaPap Wallet, download the … Read more

Senior Counsel Qualifications in Kenya

Senior Counsel Qualifications in Kenya

 In Kenya, the title senior counsel is bestowed on an advocate by the President of the Republic after being vetted by members of a committee. James Orengo, Afmednassir Abdullahi, and Paul Muite are among the notable individuals in the Senior Counsel’s club. So, how does a lawyer become a senior counsel? Senior Counsel is equivalent … Read more

How To Become a Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent

How To Become a Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent

Co-op Kwa Jirani agent is a service of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya. Co-op Kwa Jirani enables customers to carry out all banking transactions through an agent appointed by the bank. Co-operative Bank’s Agency Banking will mostly entail cash deposit taking, cash withdrawals, school fee payments, utility payments, balance inquiry, and mini-statements among others. One … Read more

Top 10 Benefits of Having a Website

Having a Website

In today’s digital age, having a website for your business or personal brand is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. In Kenya, where internet penetration continues to grow rapidly, more people are embracing digital platforms to access information, buy products, and connect with brands. If you’re a business owner, an entrepreneur, or a freelancer, … Read more

Key Steps When Buying Land In Kenya

Buying Land In Kenya

Buying land in Kenya goes through a procedure. Without following the procedure, you can easily be conned. If you are planning to buy land in Kenya for the year 2024, follow this procedure: 1 . Request for the original TITLE DEED or Copy of the title deed. Then do a search at the Ministry of … Read more

County Executive Committee Member Allowances

County Executive Committee

A County Executive Committee Member (CECM) is an important official within the county government structure in Kenya. They are essentially equivalent to ministers at the county level, responsible for specific departments such as health, education, agriculture, finance, etc. CECMs are appointed by the Governor of the county and are tasked with implementing policies, managing resources, … Read more

List of 11 President Ruto Cabinet nominees

President William Ruto has nominated the first batch of 11 individuals to the Cabinet as the process of forming a new broad-based government gets underway. In a press briefing Friday, the President said consultations are ongoing after which he will announce more names. “I have started the process of forming a new, broad-based cabinet to … Read more

National Defence University Courses Offered

National Defence University Courses Offered

The National Defence University is one of a kind. There is no other of its caliber in East Africa. The institution is located in Lanet, Nakuru. It was established in 1992. It offers courses related to military Defence and security studies. Likewise, it offers higher education to General Service Unit officers of Kenya and across … Read more

How can I build a 2-bedroom House Without Taking a loan for a Salary of Ksh 27,000?

How can I build a 2-Bedroom House Without Taking a loan for a Salary of Ksh 27,000

Firstly, it’s important to understand the factors which will determine the cost build a 2-bedroom House, such as: Having understood these factors, there are three ways you can build your dream house without taking a loan: Start with Savings If you are employed permanently, your best recourse would be to calculate your monthly expenditure, and … Read more

Money Market Funds Details, Structure & How to Invest

Money Market Funds Details, Structure & How to Invest

Money Market Funds (MMFs) are currently one of the most popular investment vehicles in Kenya. This is because they invest in highly liquid securities like cash equivalents, government securities and highly-rated debt-based securities therefore having a high degree of safety. They also offer relatively high returns to investors than traditional savings accounts. Structure A  Money Market … Read more

Money Market Fund Returns;- How to Calculate

Money Market Fund Returns

Money Market Fund (MMFs) are a great investment for small investors as well as large investors. They usually have low entry requirements, making them accessible to many people. When calculating your Money Market Fund returns, there are three things you should understand. You can easily find this information through your fund provider, especially if you … Read more

Green Number Plates Will Be Issued to Who Own these Vehicles

Green Number Plates

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has announced the introduction of green-colored number plates that will be issued to motorists who own electric vehicles in Kenya. Speaking during the launch of the e-mobility policy at KICC on Wednesday, March 27, Kipchumba Murkomen announced that the number plates will be issued to Kenyans who own electric motorcycles … Read more

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