How to activate an M-PESA account after SIMCard Replacement

When you perform a SIMCard replacement on your Safaricom line, you need to re-activate your M-PESA account. Enter your previous M-PESA PIN as the Start Key.

Among the top reasons Kenyans use the Safaricom Mobile network is Mpesa, and if your Mpesa account is not activated, you can’t use the service.

Mpesa is the leading mobile money transfer in Kenya and spreading across the globe.

Mpesa offers crucial services such as sending and receiving money, payment of goods and services, buying airtime and bundles, buying airtime to other networks, M-shwari mobile banking, and allowing access to other mobile banking services.

Nobody would wish their Mpesa account deactivated while it offers such essential services.

The good news is that Safaricom today has eased activating your Mpesa after buying a new Simcard or after a Simcard replacement.

The Process To Reactivate Your Mpesa Account In Kenya

The time it takes to activate Mpesa after replacement depends if you are doing it yourself or being assisted by the customer care agent, but the process may take a maximum of 5 minutes.

Here is the procedure to follow to activate Mpesa after replacement:

  1. Go to your Mobile phone Application.
  2. Select Toolkit.
  3. Next, select Mpesa.
  4. Click Activate or Wezesha.
  5. Enter the old Pin you were using it will serve as the New Start Key.
  6. You will be prompted, New Pin.
  7. Enter 4 digits you will remember easily.
  8. Confirm the new Pin.
  9. You will be required to enter your Kenya national identity number and birth date as they appear on the ID.

That is how easy to reactivate your Mpesa account.

You will receive a confirmation message informing your Mpesa has successfully been activated.

Yes, you can, as well as confirm this by checking your Mpesa balance, and will receive a message bearing your exact Mpesa balance before the Simcard replacement.

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